Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Monsoon rains flooding the Rohingya Refugee Camp

I'm sending this link to a BBC article that just came out. We've been experiencing torrential rains for the past week. The flooding is really getting bad. Please just be praying for Rohingya -


This article talks about Camp 6 where we have one of our nutrition sites. Beneficiaries were not able to come to the site today because flooding was so bad they couldn't reach the site. There is a photo in a market area which is a path we take to get to the nutrition site. For us to access this site we have a 30 minute walk - it is right in the middle of the huge refugee camp. It's ironic, over the past few months IOM and other organizations have been frantically trying to set up anti-erosion measures using sandbags, drainage, bamboo, etc to try and avoid flooding and landslides. However the volume of rain we've gotten over the last few days means there is just no where for the water to go.